Tag Archives: creativity

You might not be aware of it, but I first entered the arena of Click & Mortar Business back in 1996, when my late wife and I launched NiceIce.com which specialized in round brilliant ideal cut diamonds and custom jewelry, I know operate the web site as a blog which provides in-depth diamond grading tutorials and consumer education. Today’s question being  posed by Natalie Sisson, as part of her 30 Day Blog Challenge is “Whose online business do you admire most and why?” and the answer is… (more…)

Besides being the subject of today’s blog post, they all exist and command powerful recognition throughout society and time simply because people believe in them. Whether you choose to believe in Jesus Christ, the Easter Bunny or Adolf Hitler is not the point of this blog post, so let’s not get into a philosophical debate about these three entities. I am merely using these three examples of influential figures, or figurines if you prefer, to demonstrate the power of belief. (more…)