Besides being the subject of today’s blog post, they all exist and command powerful recognition throughout society and time simply because people believe in them. Whether you choose to believe in Jesus Christ, the Easter Bunny or Adolf Hitler is not the point of this blog post, so let’s not get into a philosophical debate about these three entities. I am merely using these three examples of influential figures, or figurines if you prefer, to demonstrate the power of belief.

Mental Masturbation:

As with many of my creative ideas, the concept for this article actually came to me in the shower.  That’s right, while most married guys are masturbating in the shower because they didn’t get any last night (or this morning) I was using the quiet time to let my mind roam freely from idea to idea without paying any particular attention to the creative thought process.  I find that quite often my best ideas drift into my mind from the ether most easily when I am not thinking of anything in particular at all.  I suppose that not thinking of anything in particular creates some sort of a vacuum. Speaking of creating a vacuum, if your sex life is such that you’re masturbating in the shower instead of having sex with your spouse, you really should contact me for some relationship coaching.

Is Jesus Christ Real?

If you believe in Jesus Christ, then he is real; if you do not believe that Jesus Christ is real, then he is not real, it’s actually as simple as that.  The reality is that if you believe strongly one way or the other, no amount of indisputable proof is going to change your opinion because in a sense your very existence depends on which way you believe… just ask a born again christian if you don’t believe me.  But according to a recent Rasmussen Report, 88% of adults nationwide believe that Jesus Christ walked the earth a little more than two thousand years ago.

And 79% of adults nationwide believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.  Interestingly enough it is likely that approximately 90% of children believe in the existence of the Easter Bunny because according to the National Confectioners Association, that is the number of parents who indicated that their children received candy filled baskets as part of the Easter Day Celebration.

Many of those children also believe in Jesus Christ because their parents have taught them to do so.  I wonder whether people in general would believe in either Jesus Christ or the Easter Bunny if their parents did not encourage them to do so?  And on that note, take a moment to think about some of the things which you believe which might affect how you live your life on a daily basis… How many of those beliefs are ones which you created based upon your own personal experience and how many belong to your parents, grandparents and other adults who influenced your belief structure during your formative years.

Do You Eat the Ears or the Tail of the Easter Bunny first?

If you happen to be one of the 90% of parents who will either present your children with a candy filled Easter basket this Sunday and/or allow other people to present your children with one… how will you teach your children to eat the chocolate covered Easter Bunny?

According to the National Confectioners Association, 76% of adults polled indicated that they start eating a chocolate Easter Bunny by chomping down on the ears first; five percent indicated that they would start with the feet and only four percent indicated that they would start at the tail.

By the way, if you want to deny your children the experience of believing in the Easter Bunny and don’t know what to do with all of the chocolate covered Easter Bunnies which find their way to your house this Sunday, you can send them to me because while I don’t believe in the Easter Bunny, I’ll be happy to set them out on Christmas Eve for Santa Claus in lieu of cookies.

Oh yea, I almost forgot about Hitler and the Holocaust

It’s actually a crime to deny the existence of the Holocaust in several countries including Israel and 12 European nations, but here in the United States approximately 25% of college students are unable to identify Adolf Hitler according to and it stands to reason that you can’t have one without the other.

I watched a video on YouTube awhile back where a guy was walking around showing a picture of Adolf Hitler to college students and asking them if they knew who he was and it seemed like the majority of them thought that they recognized him from a rock band.  Well at least they recognized him as some sort of icon, but you can bet for damn sure that every one of them would have been able to identify this picture:

Sees Easter Bunny

The Sees Candy Easter Bunny is Legendary.  Just Say’n.

About the Author

Todd Gray is a Strategic Intervention Coach who studied Strategic Intervention at Robbins-Madanes Training under the Mastery of Anthony Robbins and world renown Psychologist Cloe Madanes. Todd is passionate about empowering people to reach for the stars and get the most out of life! Todd is motivated to empower people to overcome mental obstacles and live with passion so that they may enjoy incredible lives! Todd's primary focus is Personal Motivation • Passionate Relationships • Conquering Adversity • Peak Performance • Financial Abundance • Grief and Life After Suicide. Because of the challenges which Todd has faced in his life, he is especially driven to help people who are suffering from the loss of a child and people who have lost a friend or loved one to suicide, or other acts of violence.

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