Tag Archives: Dating
We’re all seeking love, success, happiness and joy in this life. However life is full of challenges and sometimes you may feel like your life is spinning out of control. During these times it may seem difficult to find your peaceful, loving self and you need a solution fast. Strategic Intervention can help get you back on track, often in just one or two sessions. (more…)
You’ve been together for awhile and life has become a routine. The two of you are more like friends with benefits than actual lovers and even when you have sex, it seems habitual and lacks passion. You find yourself thinking that you’re lonely when you’re sitting right there next to each other. You begin to wonder if you wouldn’t be better off alone, after all, even roommates tend to have more engaging conversations than the two of you have been having lately… If any of this sounds familiar, it is probably time to step up and save your relationship! (more…)
Today is Valentine’s Day. If you are in a relationship it is quite likely a day of celebration which is filled with flowers, candy and cards. If you are single, it is often viewed upon as the dreaded day of love, where you are once again reminded that you don’t have any. Some people view it as a day of class warfare, it is a day divided by the have’s and the have-nots. “It is a day created by Hallmark to sell more cards” etc., is a fairly popular explanation touted by men who feel like they are forced to celebrate Valentine’s Day when they are in a relationship, and who are most likely stressed out of their minds, trying to figure out what an appropriate gift might be, and whether it will be well received. (more…)
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